Multiple Consumers
Given two Consumers
bound to queues with different RoutingKey
and RKB
and a single Publisher
bound to a single RoutingKey
named RKA
we will be publishing messages to both queues but expecting to only consume messages published to the RKA
. The second consumer bound to RKB
will not receive any messages:
import cats.effect._
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.declaration.DeclarationQueueConfig
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter.RabbitClient
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._
import fs2._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(
val q1 = QueueName("q1")
val q2 = QueueName("q2")
val ex = ExchangeName("testEX")
val rka = RoutingKey("RKA")
val rkb = RoutingKey("RKB")
val msg = Stream("Hey!").covary[IO]
def multipleConsumers(c1: Stream[IO, AmqpEnvelope[String]], c2: Stream[IO, AmqpEnvelope[String]], p: String => IO[Unit]) = {
msg evalMap p,
c1.through(_.evalMap(m => IO(println(s"Consumer #1 >> $m")))),
c2.through(_.evalMap(m => IO(println(s"Consumer #2 >> $m"))))
def program(R: RabbitClient[IO]) =
R.createConnectionChannel.use { implicit channel =>
for {
_ <- R.declareExchange(ex, ExchangeType.Topic)
_ <- R.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(q1))
_ <- R.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(q2))
_ <- R.bindQueue(q1, ex, rka)
_ <- R.bindQueue(q2, ex, rkb)
c1 <- R.createAutoAckConsumer[String](q1)
c2 <- R.createAutoAckConsumer[String](q2)
p <- R.createPublisher[String](ex, rka)
_ <- multipleConsumers(c1, c2, p).compile.drain
} yield ()
If we run this program, we should only see a message Consumer #1 >> Hey!
meaning that only the consumer bound to the RKA
routing key got the message.