Multiple Connections

This advanced case presents the challenge of having multiple (3) RabbitMQ Connections interacting with each other.

We start by defining three different programs representing each connection, namely p1, p2 and p3 respectively.

  • p1 defines a single Consumer for Connection 1, namely c1.
  • p2 defines a single Consumer for Connection 2, namely c2.
  • p3 defines a single Publisher for Connection 3.

We will be consuming messages from c1 and c2, and publishing the result to p3 concurrently. Thanks to fs2 this becomes such a simple case:

import cats.effect._
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.config.declaration.DeclarationQueueConfig
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter.RabbitClient
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._
import fs2._

import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext

implicit val cs = IO.contextShift(

val q1 = QueueName("q1")
val ex = ExchangeName("testEX")
val rk = RoutingKey("RKA")

Here’s our program p1 creating a Consumer representing the first Connection:

def p1(R: RabbitClient[IO]) =
  R.createConnectionChannel.use { implicit channel =>
    R.declareExchange(ex, ExchangeType.Topic) *>
    R.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(q1)) *>
    R.bindQueue(q1, ex, rk) *>

Here’s our program p2 creating a Consumer representing the second Connection:

def p2(R: RabbitClient[IO]) =
  R.createConnectionChannel use { implicit channel =>
    R.declareExchange(ex, ExchangeType.Topic) *>
    R.declareQueue(DeclarationQueueConfig.default(q1)) *>
    R.bindQueue(q1, ex, rk) *>

Here’s our program p3 creating a Publisher representing the third Connection:

def p3(R: RabbitClient[IO]) =
  R.createConnectionChannel use { implicit channel =>
    R.declareExchange(ex, ExchangeType.Topic) *>
    R.createPublisher(ex, rk)

And finally we compose all the three programs together:

val pipe: Pipe[IO, AmqpEnvelope[String], String] =

def program(c: RabbitClient[IO]) =
  (p1(c), p2(c), p3(c)).mapN { case (c1, c2, pb) =>