
An AutoAckConsumer acknowledges every consumed message automatically, so all you need to worry about is to process the message. Keep in mind that messages whose processing fails will still be acknowledged to RabbitMQ meaning that messages could get lost.

import cats.effect.IO
import cats.implicits._
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.model._
import dev.profunktor.fs2rabbit.interpreter.RabbitClient
import fs2.Stream

val queueName = QueueName("daQ")

val doSomething: Stream[IO, AmqpEnvelope[String]] => IO[Unit] = consumer => IO.unit

def program(R: RabbitClient[IO]) =
  R.createConnectionChannel.use { implicit channel =>

When creating a consumer, you can tune the configuration by using BasicQos and ConsumerArgs. By default, the basicQOS is set to a prefetch size of 0, a prefetch count of 1 and global is set to false. The ConsumerArgs is None by default since it’s optional. When defined, you can indicate consumerTag (default is “”), noLocal (default is false), exclusive (default is false) and args (default is an empty Map[String, ?]).